1(1), November 1983, page 10

To meet the needs of our readers, we want to be sure that we have accurate information about you. Could you fill out and return the following survey? The more information you can give us, the better we can make the newsletter.

Questions about you and your use of computers:

  1. How do you define your personal interest in computers?

  2. Do you own a personal computer?

  3. Do you use a word processor for your own writing?

    How often?

  4. Do you know any programming languages?

  5. What kinds of computer applications are you interested in?

  6. What new advances in computer technology are you looking forward to?

    Questions about your professional use of computers:

  7. How do you define your professional interest in computers?

  8. What level of writers do you teach?

  9. What kind of computer does your school use for writing instruction?

  10. How do students use the computer--in a writing center for drill on grammar, in a writing center for prewriting activities, in a computer lab for word processing, etc.?

  11. What kinds of computer applications are you interested in?

  12. Do you use utility programs for record-keeping (grades, comments, and so on)?

  13. Do you subscribe to any computer journals? Which ones?

  14. What new advances in computer technology are you looking forward to?

  15. Does your school accept the new importance of computers in humanities, especially writing instruction?

  16. Does your department or school face any special funding problems that will limit computer use?