1(2), February 1984, page 11

[conclusion of announcements section at top of this page]


VOYAGING THROUGH THE PERSONAL NARRATIVE is centered around a single-line editor in the word processor mode. The program prompts instruct students in the process of writing and then allow students to successfully follow the stages of the writing process. Students prewrite and write, and then the program gives them specific instruction in the revision stage. After each stage, the program asks students if they would like a printed copy of their work. If so, students can then receive "hard" copy. The editing stage encourages teacher instruction, and teacher and student interaction (the strategies for editing are included in the teacher's manual rather than in the computer.)

This program is available from Educational Designs Systems, Inc., Box 5252, Abilene, Texas 79605 for $100. The package includes: instruction in writing, a word processor, a teacher's manual, and a user's manual.

In early 1984, a program for writing about literature, VOYAGING THROUGH LITERATURE, will be available from EDS for $100. Both programs are available for the Apple and Apple lIe, and will be available in February for TRS 80. For more information, write

Joyce Armstrong Carroll
Department of English and Writing
Box 636
McMurry College
Abilene, TX 79605