Cynthia L. Selfe
Kathleen E. Kiefer

1(2), February 1984

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your warm support for the newsletter. We have received so many letters that we feel we have found our audience. Now also let us know just what we can do for you.

We hope to continue listing upcoming conferences so that you can attend and pass along your reactions to fellow subscribers not lucky enough to hear those talks. We hope to continue listing new, pertinent software releases so that you can choose the best software for your teaching needs. But since we announce without having seen software, please contribute reviews of software noted here or other programs you might use.

We hope, also, to include articles with useful ideas and information. We've tried to cover a range of points in this issue; we have a review article of WRITER'S WORKBENCH as engineers use it through a writing center, two articles on composing with a word processor, an article on grading with a computer, and guidelines for purchasing a word processor. In upcoming issues, we plan to include articles on authoring programs, prewriting programs, research projects, computers in writing centers, getting started with computers, scheduling students for computer time, utility programs, computers and the composing process, and so on.

Without your willingness to contribute, though, this newsletter cannot meet its goals. In short, we are asking that you make this your newsletter. We will try to include those articles we think are likely to interest and inform you, but we need to know what you are doing to be best able to help. Please write to us, just to let us know what your interests in computers are. And think about sending us a note, article, query, or letter when next you want to complain about or revel in new uses of computers for teaching and learning about composition.

Kate Kiefer

Cindy Selfe