1(4), August 1984, page 13


Renew Your Subscription to Computers and Composition for 1984-85!

Now that we have published our last issue for the 1983-84 academic year, it is time to remind you to renew your subscription to Computers and Composition. Because we handle all subscriptions on a calendar-year basis (no matter when you joined us during this last year, we mailed you all four issues), all subscriptions must now be renewed.

During the coming year, we plan to publish four new issues, each of which will contain timely and informative articles. We will continue to print descriptions of new software packages for use in composition programs, ideas for employing computers productively in writing classes, and reports of computer applications written by composition teachers and researchers. We will also continue to encourage our readership to submit articles for publication in the newsletter.

If you wish to receive the issues we plan for 1984-85, fill in the form below, tear along the dotted line, and return it, along with a check, to us. Please also pass along a copy of this order form to any of your colleagues who are not currently subscribers.

Thank you for helping us make the first year of Computers and Composition a success! We have enjoyed hearing from you and sharing common interests.


Please check

	Institutional subscription 		Renewing subscription
	 $20.00/year (check or money		  for 1984-85 
	 order is issued by an 
	 institution or an 
	 organization				New subscription for

	Personal subscription $5.00/yr.
	 (personal check, money order,
	 or cash)

Return to:

Cynthia L. Selfe
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI  49931