9(1), November 1992


Call for Suggestions on Computer Networking

The Subcommittee on Exemplary Technology Programs for Elementary and Secondary Teachers and the NCTE Committee on Instructional Technology are seeking resource suggestions, strategies, and ideas about exemplary models of computer networking in elementary and secondary classrooms (e.g., books that teachers find useful, contact persons, ideas about funding sources and business partnerships, models of teacher education and connection). We are hoping to identify ways in which classroom teachers can move toward electronic connections with each other and with students.

We plan to use these ideas to encourage teachers' participation in electronic networking efforts undertaken by the Council, in particular, our efforts with NCTE Net. We will share contributions, as space permits, in such publications as the Council Chronicle, Language Arts, English Journal, and Computers and Composition. Please limit contributions to one page or less, and include your name, address, and teaching site.

For further information, contact

Call for Papers

The Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference will take place on March 13, 1992 at Villanova University, Villanova PA.

This year's theme is "Conversations about Writing Faculty, Peer Tutors, and Students." Dr. Elaine Maimon of Queens College will deliver the keynote address. One-page proposals for papers, workshops, or panel discussions should be sent by February 1, 1992 to

1992 Computers and Composition Awards

The Hugh Burns Dissertation Award

To be eligible for this award sponsored by Computers and Composition, nominees must have completed a dissertation in computers and composition studies during the past three years (1989-1992). Along with a copy of the dissertation, entrants (or those individuals who wish to nominate an entrant) must submit a statement explaining why the dissertation has made a significant contribution to the field. Entrants may nominate their own work. Letter of nomination and dissertation must be submitted by January 1, 1993.

The Ellen Nold Best Article Award

To be considered for this annual award sponsored by Computers and Composition, entrants (or those individuals who wish to nominate an entrant) must submit two copies of the photocopied article specifying where the piece was origninally published and why the article merits this award. Entrants may nominate their own work. Letter of nomination and photocopied article must be submitted by January 1, 1993.

Members of the editorial board of Computers and Composition will be the judges in both competitions. Winners will be notified by March 15, 1993 and will receive a cash prize of $150 along with a plaque noting their outstanding scholarly contribution to the field of computers and compostition studies. Awards will be presented at the Ninth Computers and Writing Conference to be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

We invite all readers to submit nominations for the 1992 Computers and Composition Awards to


The second stanza, line four of Joe Amato's poem, "Time Machine," as appeared in the August issue of Computers and Compostition (Vol. 9, issue 3, p. 24) should have read:

The Editors extend their sincere apologies for this error.