2(1), November 1984, page 16

[conclusion of Schlobin article at top of this page]


The NCTE Assembly on Computers in English will hold an organizational meeting on Saturday, November 17 from 5:15 to 6:16 p.m. in the Marquette Room B at the Westin Hotel in Detroit. During that meeting, the members will adopt a constitution and elect officers. If you cannot attend the meeting, but want to become a member of the Assembly or receive more information, contact:

Audrey Roth, 8620 S.W. 118th. Street, Miami, FL 33156


NCTE National Convention, Detroit, November 17-23, 1984--with sessions on computers and composition as well as post-convention workshops.

CCCC, Minneapolis, March 20-23, 1985--with sessions and workshops on computers and composition. Also attend the special interest group meeting--The Fifth C: Computers.

NCTE Northwest Regional Conference, Washington State Council of Teachers of English, April 25-27, 1985, Seattle. Contact:

Eugene Smith
Department of English
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98185


THE FIFTH C: COMPUTERS will again meet at the CCCC in Minneapolis, on Thursday, March 21, 4:00 to 5:15. I will coordinate the session again this year, so please send a 1-2 page handout on your computer project to me by February 15. The handout should include a brief description of your work, your name and address. I will include as many presenters as possible, giving each about 10 minutes.

Kate Kiefer
Department of English
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ICCH 85--International Conference on Computers and the Humanities--June 26-28, 1985, sponsored by Brigham Young University Humanities and Research Center and the Association for Computers and the Humanities. Abstracts for papers and demonstrations which deal with the application of computers to any area of the humanities are welcome. Abstracts must include full name, address, telephone number, academic affiliation, and a list of equipment needed for the presentation. They must be written in English and should not exceed 500 words. Deadline for abstracts is 15 November 1984. Contact:

Randall Jones/ICCH85
Humanities Research Center
3060 JKHB
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602 USA

Computers and Composition will begin publishing longer papers with the May issue of 1985. Please send manuscripts (10-20 pages) to the editors. (We will consider longer papers of substantial merit.) We welcome papers reporting research, addressing pedagogical issues, or offering practical advice. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and two copies of your manuscript. Send articles to:

Kate Kiefer
Department of English
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523


Cindy Selfe
Department of Humanities
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931