
44(3) p. 99


Computers in the Humanities

A special issue of Computers and the Humanities devoted to computer-assisted instruction is available; the issue includes the following articles:

"The Challenge for Computer-Assisted Rhetoric" by Hugh Burns.

"Computers Come to Age in Writing Instruction" by Charles R. Smith, Kathleen E. Kiefer and Patricia S. Gingrich.

The special issue also includes the following book reviews: Jeanne Halpern and Sarah Ligget, Computers and Composing: How the New Technologies Are Changing Writzng (Marion Larson); Daniel Chandler, ed., Exploring English with Microcomputers (Laura Brady and Marion Larson);

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Sally N. Standiford, Kathleen Jaycox and Anne Auten, Computers in the English Classroom (Laura Brady and Marion Larson).

Other topics covered in this issue's 110 pages are philosophy, musicianship training, language authoring, interactive video, foreign languages, history and simulations.

This collection, edited by Glyn Holmes of the University of Western Ontario, is the first anthology of expert articles on CAI in the humanities. The issue available at a special price of $19.50 plus $2 for postage and handling from

Paradigm Press
P.O. Box 1057
Osprey, FL 33559-9990

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1988 Microcomputers in Education Conference

The college of Education at Arizona Sate University is hosting the 1988 Microcomputers in Education Conference: The Emerging Frontier: Interactive Video, Artificial Intelligence, and Classroom Technology.

The conference will be held March 6-8, 1988 on the campus of Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Also included are pre- and post-conference workshops and a research forum on interactive video. The deadline for proceedings papers and applications to speak is November 15, 1987. For further information, please contact

Maurene Miller,
Conference Co-Director
FMC-Educational Media and Computers
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona 85287-0111
(602) 965-7363