9(1), November 1991, page 3

An Invitation from Our New Software Editor

As the new Software Editor for Computers and Composition I would like to invite interested readers to submit revirews of software for publication in the journal. Some of the most frequently asked questions in our professional discussions regard software. Colleagues new to computer-based writing or setting up a new facility want to know what software they sould consider. More experienced users are often moving into new technologies such as hypermedia, electronic conferencing, or desktop publishing and have software questions within those areas. Computers and Composition software reviews can be a valuable resource.

In general, we prefer that reviews be based on classroom use and observation. Recommended length is 2500 words, though comparative reviews of more than one software program can, of course, run longer. Current projects underway include

If there is a review you are considering, you might drop me a note. I should be able to tell you if we have already accepted for publication a review of that particular software or if someone is working on a similar project. My address is

Paul LeBlanc
English Department
Springfield College
Springfield, MA 01109

